Saturday, February 26, 2011

Love sunshine

Light is photographer’s favorite. They are used to create all kinds of lights in their photography studios. However, photographers always ignore making good use of natural light. Today is a sunshine day; I want to introduce how to take photos using natural light.

In the morning and at the dusk, the light is weak, and its color is warm. It is better to take silhouette photo at this time. In order to take silhouette shot, you need to place your subject in front of the light and force your camera set its exposure based upon the brightest part of the background (not the subject of the picture). Remember, you must turn off the automatic flash which will ruin the silhouette.
(photo by T J Scott)

At the noon, the light is strong and it is easy for photographers to employ light. I prefer to take sidelight and backlight photos at noon. Following are pictures taken at noon.
It is a nice picture. The side light is used as butterfly light shining on the bride’s face. It makes the bride’s face soft and solid.
It is a pretty girl, but the picture is not successful. The photographer failed to employ the light, as the result, the face of the girl appeared to be flat and big.